Homeless Man Stumbles Into Church and Asks to Sing – His Performance is Glorious

Bythu lita

Jun 2, 2024

Life is never a smooth ride but sometimes, even those who have had it the roughest can raise up the rest of us. And when it happens, it’s glorious.

Pastor Mendigo Rogerio Brito in Brazil is one such example. He was homeless for years and during that time, experienced some of life’s cruelest moments. Brito credits his faith in God for overcoming those obstacles and now tries to help others understand that all of God’s people deserve love and respect, even those we may want to shy away from.

In this video, Brito pretends to be a drunk homeless man when he enters a church where no one knows him. Many in the church are embarrassed when he approaches the altar and gestures for the microphone. Eventually, the priest in charge relents and hands him the microphone. When Brito begins to sing, it’s so serene that he moves people to tears.

What a beautiful lesson that Brito, the former homeless man turned priest, is imparting. He wants everyone to look beyond the surface to see God’s light within their brethren. Watch the full video below and tell us in the comments what you think of Fr. Brito’s voice and his mission.

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