3 Year Old Is Already A Master Drummer And He Can Only Just Hold The Sticks


Nov 11, 2022

Three Year Old Drumming Prodigy

Lyonya Shilovsky is a 10-year old Russian boy who led an entire orchestra on the drums at only three years old. Most parents would not thank you if you bought their child a set of drums. Most toddlers make more than enough noise on their own without adding a drum kit to the mix.

That was not the case for little Lyonya Shilovsky, however. He began learning to play the drums when he was an unbelievable one-year-old! The vast crowd was charmed then impressed as little Lyonya started to play. He played without sheet music and still captured all the nuances and changes of tempo beautifully.

Lyonya Leads A Full Orchestra

His love for the drums and his excitement at everything happening around him is clear to see, and the audience responded to his curiosity, passion and skill. Not only did he take the entire orchestra with him in this challenging piece but, he also completed a fantastic solo halfway through.

About Lyonya Shilovsky


Lyonya first became famous at the tender age of three, when he appeared on the Russian talent show “Minute Of Fame”. Later that same year, footage emerged of him leading an entire orchestra in Offenbach’s Can-Can. Pretty impressive, considering most three-year-olds can neither read nor dress themselves.

Lyonya was led out by his father and was dressed perfectly for the occasion. He looked smart yet sweet in his bow tie with the most adorable Mohawk in history. When he sat down, the audience could barely see him behind his drums, and the sticks looked huge in his little hands.

At the end of the piece, he performed an encore and was led back for a bow by the conductor. Needless to say, the applause was deafening. If you feel concerned this is a lot for a little boy to handle, don’t worry. His dad sat behind him for the entire performance, and mum was in the audience. It’s clear his parents are very proud and supportive, but the love for music comes from Lyonya himself.

Check out this amazing video yourself right here (62 million viewers can’t be wrong). If you want to see more from this drumming prodigy, follow his YouTube channel.

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