Incredible Artistry-Witness Mozart-Inspired Captures Crafted Purely Through the Lens, Defying Photoshop

ByQuyen Anne

Aug 9, 2023

Austrian adventure photographer Sebastian Wahlhuetter has just released an amazing new project titled “Amadé”. It’s a series of photos showing Mozart walking across the air on musical notation, created entirely in-camera instead of through Photoshop “faking.”

“These are single image exposures (no Photoshop) and I put weeks of effort into this,” Wahlhuetter tells PetaPixel. After carefully planning the idea of the shoot, Wahlhuetter had to build and test the rigging for the musical notion slackline that spanned the space between two cliffs.


Once the slackline was built, deployed, and verified by a team of rigging experts, a slackline athlete dressed as Mozart walked across on the line.

Here’s a 1.5-minute behind-the-scenes video showing how everything was set up and executed:


And here are some of the photos that resulted:

“Amadé” is one installment of a series Wahlhuetter has been working on, titled the “Theatrical Series.” Wahlhuetter has previously combined the same location and slacklining with balloons, prayer flags, and aerial acrobats.

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