Willie Mackay Wishes Everyone A Happy New Year On The Spoons


Nov 26, 2022

While we were seeing off a very unusual year for pretty much everyone on the planet, the first few days of 2021 brought us a spoon-playing video unlike any we have seen before.

This is Willie Mackay recording a video of himself playing the spoons after wishing everyone a happy New Year from himself and his wife, Glynis. The video has caught the attention of people across the internet who have shared his new year’s message across the world! It’s no surprise really, his playing is fantastic, and the happiness he brings with it is wonderful to watch.

The spoon-playing maestro is also a civic leader for Caithness, a historic county of Scotland. He showed up dressed for the occasion before performing a cutlery masterpiece. His first spoon-playing session of 2021 had Willie performing a range of popular Scottish songs in front of the comforting glow from the log burner in his cottage in Oldhall.

Willie began posting his videos in May to show his appreciation for the NHS staff during the coronavirus pandemic. He has two daughters working in the NHS, Samantha Law, working at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin, and Kirstin Mackay, at Caithness General Hospital in Wick. He now performs regularly for social media titling his videos as “Tunes On The Spoon”. In fact, he has performed every Saturday for 36 weeks running!

The spoon player, who originally comes from Embo, a village in the Highland Council Area in Scotland, often dedicates his performances to his friends and family. His brilliant personality and creative musical skills are starting to gain traction as thousands of people watch him perform around the world each day!

“I’ve done 36 straight Saturday nights on the spoons and I’d like to continue pounding my fingers and knees to my favourite Scottish tunes. I must admit, I never thought after the first one minute and 40 seconds, eight months ago, that I would still be spooning away – but I’m enjoying it immensely. “And I couldn’t ask for a better producer, director, sound and lighting engineer, staging and wardrobe adviser than my wonderful wife Glynis.”

If you’d like to watch more from this brilliant spoon playing maestro follow his Facebook page.

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