The Pianist Is Overjoyed To Be Joined By Little Dancing Superstar

Byvu lita

Aug 30, 2023

Ireland’s most gifted pianist Brendan Kavanagh got a surprise when he sat down to play on the public piano in 2019, as an adorable little girl joined him to dance to the music.


Kavanagh is YouTube star with countless videos of him shocking and delighting the public with his piano skills.

He often sits down at the public pianos in train stations and pretends he is unsure of the instrument, before wowing his audience with his stunning performances.

However, on this occasion he was happy to play the role of supporting artist as the real star of the show appeared.

Kavanagh was playing a medley of songs from the much-loved film Mary Poppins when an adorable little girl dressed in her yellow school uniform walked up beside him.

She put down her satchel and began dancing beautifully to Kavanagh’s music.

The delight was clearly visible on Kavanagh’s face as he realised he had discovered a little star.

He continued to play and the young dancer continued to move with confidence and energy.

She was clearly having a great time and even struck a star pose as Kavanagh brought the medley to a crescendo.

Kavanagh spoke to his new co-star and she told him that her name is Zoe, and she was on a school trip to London.

Her teachers and classmates were not far away and had allowed her to take a moment with Kavanagh to dance to his music.

She also revealed that she knew what songs he was playing, and had seen the film Mary Poppins.

Kavanagh thanked her for her performance and told her to get back to her teachers before they began to worry.

He also went to speak to them himself, because he needed the permission of Zoe’s parents to post the video online.

Thankfully, they were happy for him to do so, and the video is providing a pick-me-up for music and dance fans all around the world.

It has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in the first couple of days of being posted, and the comments are full of praise for little Zoe for her fearless performance.

Don’t we all wish we could dance with this sort of vigour and joy?

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