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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the Unforgettable Clash with Archbishop Colloredo of Salzburg

Count Arco says goodbye to Mozart The Composer The archbishop A classical composer has a bad day Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was fuming, as he stood outside the palace in Vienna,…

Mozart and Beethoven – Musical Arrows Piercing Through the Fabric of Time

I’ll Have Mozart and Beethoven With A Little Puccini On The Side! Almost anyone can love the works of Mozart and Beethoven, and feel profound joy listening to what they…

Vivaldi,17 Fascinating and Surprising Insights About the Maestro

Most violinists and musicians are familiar with the beautiful series of violin concertos, The Four Seasons, crafted by the master baroque composer Antonio Vivaldi. However, not everyone is familiar with some…

With Fall Upon Us, Discover the Poetic Majesty in Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons”

As summer fades and autumn takes over, our thoughts turn, of course, to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, in which each season gets its own violin concerto. The basis of the concertos…

Beethoven Pastoral Project To Unite World With Classical Music For Climate Action

On World Environment Day this year (June 5), the Beethoven Jubiläums GmbH and the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat will launch the Beethoven Pastoral Project, an initiative to unite the world with the famous…

Beethoven Beyond Ordinary – Remarkable Recordings You Didn’t See Coming

With Beethoven recordings, it’s often the same – justifiably famous – ones that regularly get recommended. We asked Rob Cowan to point us towards others – some of the most…

Discovering the Top 10 Romantic Composers Who Stirred Hearts with Music

The Romantic period was one of the most innovative in music history, characterised by lyrical melodies, rich harmonies, and emotive expression. Here’s our beginner’s guide to the greatest composers of…

Symphonies of Genius, Unveiling the Top 10 Classical Era Composers

The Classical era was dominated by many of the greatest composers in the history of music, including Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn and Schubert The term ‘Classical Music’ has two meanings: used…

Baroque Brilliance: Discovering the Top 10 Composers of an Era

From around 1600 to 1750, the Baroque period witnessed the creation of some of the greatest musical masterpieces ever composed. Here’s our beginner’s guide to the greatest composers of the…

Brilliant Resonance The Top 10 Renaissance Masters Revealed

The 16th century witnessed four major musical phenomena: the polyphonic school reached its zenith, the tradition of instrumental music was founded, the first opera was produced and music began to…