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An Overview of African-American Music History

Opening this chapter in musical history is a bitter-sweet experience. When we look into the history of African-American music then we remember the appalling business of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and all…

Utilizing AI, Musicologists and Scientists Collaborate to Finish Beethoven’s Uncompleted 10th Symphony

When Ludwig van Beethoven died in 1827, he was three years removed from the completion of his Ninth Symphony, a work heralded by many as his magnum opus. He had…

Top 7 Legendary German Composers Throughout History

Best is quite a troublesome word to associate with almost anything, but here I have the dilemma of attributing it to German composers. In the case of best, I’m also…

A Comparative Study: Baroque versus Classical Music

One of the outstanding differences between these key periods of Western Classical Music is the change in creative thinking. Baroque music as we can clearly hear in the music of a composer…

Classical Pianist Serenades 61-Year-Old Elephant with “Moonlight Sonata”

There are many things people can do to lower their stress levels. Listening to classical music is one of the most effective ways to reduce cortisol. When a classical pianist…

An elderly woman criticizes a man about the “bash piano,” then he sits down and makes her regret her words

We can all learn life lessons—no matter the age. Most of us have been raised to respect our elders. We were taught that anyone who was born before us has…

A musician carries a cello up a mountain before performing Bach at the “Top of the World” at 10,000 feet

 After this inspiring weekend, I didn’t need anything particularly energizing to start my week. But, then again, it’s hard to refuse a shot inspiration when it falls right into…

Can You Tell the Difference Between JS Bach and AI Bach? AI Creates a Piece in the Style of Bach

 The artificial intelligence community Botnik published a 2018 Coachella Lineup poster composed entirely of performer names generated by neural networks. It does get one wondering what the music of “Lil…

Experience J.S. Bach’s Beloved Baroque Music on the Lautenwerck, His Preferred Instrument Lost to Time

 If you want to hear the music of Johann Sebastian Bach played on the instruments that actually existed during the stretch of the 17th and 18th centuries in which…

Huberman’s List: The Violinist Who Saved Jews During World War II

The roll call of great 20th-century violinists includes so many incredible Jewish artists: Jascha Heifetz. David Oistrakh. Mischa Elman. Ida Haendel. Isaac Stern. Yehudi Menuhin. Itzhak Perlman. Among the most…