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Mind-Playing Melodies: Paralyzed Quartet Masters Music with Their Thoughts

In order to play complex pieces on stringed instruments, musicians need amazing dexterity to maneuver the different notes. Thanks to a special interface system, however, this group of musicians can play instruments…

Masterful Pianists: Liszt, Rachmaninoff, and Horowitz

One outstanding characteristic of the Romantic period was the rise of the virtuoso pianist-composer. Many features of the Romantic Era were somewhat extreme, particularly in terms of the size of orchestras, the duration, and scale…

Albert Einstein and His Musical Passion: Exploring the Harmonious Melodies of a Genius

Albert Einstein Musical Life Many of us are very familiar with the equation E=MC2 and the many pictures of the wild-haired scientist who created it, but what do you know about Albert…

Harmonizing with Morse Code: Exploring the Connection between Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and the Telegraphic Language

There is a connection between Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and the Morse code. Although approximately 30 years separated the creation of this particular symphony and the telegraph code, the link played…

Refreshing and Challenging: Exploring Arnold Schoenberg’s Musical Legacy

In 1955 Henry Pleasants, a critic of both popular and classical music, issued a cranky screed of a book, “The Agony of Modern Music,” which opened with the implacable verdict…

Breaking Barriers in Classical Music: The Trombonist’s Ambitious Mission

As a child growing up in rural Canada, trombonist Hillary Simms did not realize that women were scarce among players of brass instruments — the tuba, the French horn, the…

The Top Five Longest Symphonies in Music History

Symphonic composers are convinced that what they have to say is important. They have to be. Not only are these composers spending months or years preparing a score during the…

Why Did Bach Make the Rules and Debussy Break Them All?

Bach is often considered as the father of Western classical (and popular) music. His influence is great and still resonates today. Through a vast creative output Bach consolidated the rules of…

Exploring Stravinsky’s Masterpieces: Unveiling His Finest Compositions

The inventive and influential Igor Stravinsky wrote some of the 20th-century’s most important scores, pieces that redefined music and broke new ground. The Russian composer is still widely known by only a…

A spotlight on George Sand and Chopin’s love affair in Majorca

Chopin’s relationship with the writer George Sand has always provoked curiosity. When she first met him, in 1836, her novels were attracting notoriety for their advanced social ideas, particularly on…