The Stage Is Lit on Fire by a Young Woman’s Spectacular “Boogie Woogie” Performance

Byvu lita

Sep 22, 2023

Boogie woogie, a lively and energetic genre of music synonymous with dancing, originated within African-American communities in the 1870s and gained popularity in the 1920s.

Starting with the piano, it soon expanded to include other instruments and full bands.


Characterized by its repetitive, swung note or shuffle rhythm akin to the blues, boogie woogie has experienced a resurgence in recent years, thanks to dance competitions and artists who seek to revive its nostalgic charm.

While typically associated with America, a young Swiss talent named Ladyva has developed a deep passion for the genre and has emerged as a captivating performer.


At the age of 14, Ladyva embarked on her boogie woogie journey, soon joining forces with her brother, Pascal Silva, just two years later.

Drawing inspiration from the great boogie woogie masters, Ladyva exhibits a sweet and laid-back demeanor. With her hair elegantly swept back and dressed in a simple yet charming attire, she takes center stage, captivating her audience with rapid keystrokes on her Schimmel piano.


As the familiar 1-2-3-4 bass beat fills the air, Ladyva turns towards her audience with a smile and a nod, signaling that the performance is about to commence.

Her infectious enthusiasm prompts the crowd to join in with claps, a gesture that she appreciates as she looks out and winks at her fans. Undeterred by distractions, her hands move effortlessly across the keyboard, leaving viewers in awe.


The precision and cleanliness of each note she plays, despite her lightning-fast speed, are truly remarkable.

Audiences and online viewers are captivated by her exceptional talent, with one admirer even commenting, “She must have two brains, one for each hand.” Another fan expresses their adoration, stating, “We cherish your flying on the keyboard AND YOUR SMILE TOO!!!!!!!!!”


Ladyva’s skill and passion for boogie woogie have not gone unnoticed.

She was awarded the prestigious title of “Best Boogie Woogie Pianist” at the 2017 Boisdale Music Awards. In her performance of “Boogie Woogie Stomp” in Germany, she pays homage to Albert Ammons, a renowned figure in the genre. Ammons, hailing from Chicago, Illinois, began playing the piano at the age of 10 under the guidance of his pianist parents.

He went on to become a notable pianist himself, influencing numerous artists before his untimely passing.


The late Albert Ammons would undoubtedly take pride in Ladyva’s undeniable talent and the legacy she carries forward into the new millennium.

Her flawless playing, combined with an infectious smile, evokes the pureness and simplicity reminiscent of the boogie woogie era.


Audiences of all ages flock to her shows, captivated by her remarkable skills and unwavering passion for her craft.


Ladyva’s exceptional piano skills and unwavering dedication to boogie woogie have not only revived the spirit of this vibrant genre but also garnered admiration from fans worldwide.

Her performances pay homage to the great masters of the past, infusing their influence into her captivating renditions.

With every note she plays and every smile she shares, Ladyva carries the torch of boogie woogie into the future, ensuring that its timeless appeal continues to inspire generations to come.


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