Roomie Impersonates 43 Different Singers And Completely Nails Them All


Nov 25, 2022

About Roomie

Joel Berghult is a popular YouTuber, singer and composer, commonly known as “Roomie.” Roomie was born in Gothenburg, Sweden. Coming from a family of talented musicians, Roomie was destined to become an entertainer. He was actively encouraged from a young age to invest his time in his musical talents by his equally talented father Bosse Berghult.

Roomie studied song-writing and music production at Musikmakarna and later graduated, before deciding to make the move to the UK in 2015. Roomie is best known for his popular YouTube channel, which he started in 2010. Following a slow start to his YouTube career, in 2014 Roomie found his hook. He decided to sing, but not in the usual way you would think.

He picked 14 different songs, from various musicians and blended them together into an entertaining mash up of styles and artists from across the vast genres of the music industry, flowing seamlessly from one style and artist cover to the other. The 14 moved to 15 a year later and as a result if his immediate success, Roomies career flourished. After his success on YouTube, Roomie was invited to perform the Swedish talk show Nyhetsmorgon, followed shortly afterward by Good Morning America.

Roomie has found online fame due to his most recent multi-vocal YouTube series. Started in 2017, Roomie covers 43 voices in one video, impersonating the specific signature artists to perfection. Throughout the video Roomie covers nearly every genre of singing to be had, including Ol’ Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra, in complete contrast he then switches to Panic At The Disco’s lead man Brendon Urie. This versatility of vocal range clearly highlights the future potential of Roomie as a developing artist, showing that when applied, his vocal talents are of a vitality and refreshingly new style that the music industry needs. The video alone has to date, received a mind-bending 91 million views on YouTube.

Over the years since he began his YouTube career, Roomie has collaborated with content creator and fellow YouTuber Felix Kjellberg or “PewDiePie,” one of the most famous YouTubers in the world for the last few years, whilst working with Felix he composed and wrote songs such as “Brofist” and later in 2019 “Congratulations,” which he did in collaboration with PewDiePie and Boyinaband.

Roomie takes a light-hearted approach to his musical theatrics, allowing himself the freedom to exercise his wide-reaching vocal abilities. In one of his more recent forays into cover singing, Roomie tackled a true great of the late 70s, Roxanne by The Police. Roomie hit the nail on the head, mixing the classic Sting-reggae style with a modern, synthesized version which is reminiscent of the solo artist and former One Direction singer Liam Payne. Along with his own multi-vocal musical performances and collaborations with other YouTube influencers, Roomie worked alongside artist Custom Phase to produce “Lost It All,” an electronic dance track that picked up the tempo of Roomies’ already significant music career.

If you’d like to keep up-to-date with videos from this multi vocal marvel, subscribe to his YouTube channel or follow Facebook page.

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