Her Speech Impediment Vanishes as She Sings, Leaving Amanda Mammana in Tears

Bythu lita

Apr 23, 2024
Amanda Mammana singer with speech impediment

Amanda Mammana is a 19-year-old singer who struggles with a speech impediment. But God blessed her with an incredible talent. And when she sings, her disability disappears. What an inspiring and emotional audition!

At the start of this clip, the judges ask a young woman what her name is. She struggles to respond, Amanda. They ask how old she is, and she responds that she is 19. She shares that she is from Connecticut.

Amanda tells the judges and audience, “As you can probably tell, I have a bit of a speech impediment.” Amanda gets very vulnerable about her disability. In the past, it caused her to want to hide.

However, she discovered that she does not stutter when she sings.

Amanda Mammana Overcomes Through Music

Amanda says that she is going to be singing an original song about the hard times she faced and the purpose in them. The audience cheers.

As Amanda Mammana stands there with her guitar, the judges are already emotional. She plays a beautiful guitar intro. Her voice is angelic. Amanda’s song is like a bird that has flown out of a cage. She is authentic, lovely, and has such a pure tone.

As she sings, this message of not changing the hardships that she has been through, but embracing who she is, the audience is moved. When she finishes her song, the audience stands and cheers with the judges.

Amanda Mammana sheds tears as she shares that she did not think she was good enough ever to do anything like this when she was younger. Each judge raves about her talent and her boldness. They love her performance. Her dad supports her and goes out to give her a hug at the side of the stage.

Amanda’s message aligns with God’s. The Lord created us beautifully and wonderfully. Even though we live in a sinful and broken world, Heh came to us. We have become His own children and He calls us out of shame and darkness and into the glorious light of Jesus. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


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