Jacob Velasquez (7 years old) with a special talent for playing the piano, is likened to a mini Mozart

Bythu lita

Dec 24, 2023

Recently, viewers watching the TV show Little Big Shots had the opportunity to meet the genius boy Jacob Velasquez, who is 7 years old and has a talent for playing the piano. The boy is often lovingly called by everyone with the nickname “little Mozart.” Because of her lovely appearance and long curly hair, she looks just like the late genius musician Mozart.

Start to “fall in love.” Jacob has been playing the piano since he was 4 years old. He became interested in this subject after watching his father play a piece of music. Enjoying the melody coming from the piano, Jacob observed more closely and discovered that being able to play the piano at all was not difficult. Since then, Jacob has followed his father to learn to play the piano. What’s worth mentioning is that the boy learned extremely quickly, and Jacob’s small hands moved on the black and white keys of the piano extremely gracefully.

The boy known as Little Mozart went through a difficult time because of depression - Photo 2.

Jacob followed his father to learn to play the piano when he was 4 years old.

The boy known as Little Mozart went through a difficult time because of depression - Photo 3.

After just one time seeing his father play the piano, Jacob really liked it and thought it wasn’t too difficult, so he learned it.

Jacob is now 7 years old, and he can play most classical piano pieces fluently. And yet, Jacob’s appearance when playing the piano reminds viewers of the pianists of the past with long, curly hair, eyes firmly focused on the keys, and skillful hands on the keys.

The boy known as Little Mozart went through a difficult time because of depression - Photo 4.

Jacob’s piano playing looks like that of real pianists.

Looking at Jacob’s current image, few people know that the boy went through a difficult time due to depression. Everyone will wonder how a 4-year-old boy could be depressed, but it’s true. Jacob’s biological mother said that when the boy was diagnosed with depression, the whole family almost collapsed.

The boy known as Little Mozart went through a difficult time because of depression - Photo 5.

Jacob’s mother recounted the difficult time when she discovered Jacob had depression.

At that time, she felt worried about her son’s future because if he did not receive proper treatment, Jacob’s future life would be very difficult. But fortunately, she discovered her son’s talent and let him do what he liked. Currently, Jacob is a normal boy with a talent for playing the piano beyond his years.

The boy known as Little Mozart went through a difficult time because of depression - Photo 6.

It seemed that everything would be very difficult, but Jacob’s family helped him overcome those difficult times and helped him become the adult he is today.

Jacob also released his own album called Two of My Sons on the iTunes music site, something that even an adult pianist has to try hard to achieve. Before leaving the show, Jacob performed a short piece of music that surprised both MC Steve Harvey and the audience present that day. .

The boy known as Little Mozart went through a difficult time because of depression - Photo 7.

The music album played and recorded by Jacob himself is also posted on the iTunes music site.

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