Young Woman Performs ‘Like My Father’ Song Lyrics in Breathtaking Blind Audition, Honoring Her Parents

Bythu lita

May 7, 2024
like my father song lyrics

As Cara Hendriks belts out the “Like My Father” song lyrics in her blind audition for The Voice Kids, it pulls at the judges’ heartstrings. And seeing this young lady singing straight from her heart is truly touching.

Cara Hendriks begins singing with such beauty and maturity. The judges make faces in awe of her voice. One woman tears up and looks at her friends while the other places her hands on her heart. One judge moves his head.

The judges are contemplative and listen to the sweetness in the “Like My Father” song lyrics about how the father loves the mother. The family stands there nervously hoping for someone to turn the chair.

The judges begin to look at one another deciding who is going to turn. Some point and claim the girl to be theirs. Suddenly, two chairs turn at once. The girl finishes the song and covers her mouth in shock and awe that they turned their chairs. The lights come up and the audience and judges cheer.

Why Cara Hendriks Chose “Like My Father” Song Lyrics

They ask her name and tell her that they are pleasantly surprised by her voice and the song. Cara shares how her parents are so sweet to one another and she wants to have that with someone one day too.

They tell her that she is an old soul and has such wisdom. They tell her that her genuine performance gave them goosebumps.

What I love about this video is that a young woman was so heavily influenced by her parent’s love for one another that she chooses to sing the “Like My Father” song lyrics in honor of them. The ways that we love one another are seen by those around us. May we remember to love like Christ, so others can see Him through us.

WATCH: Cara Hendriks Sings ‘Like My Father’ Song Lyrics In Blind Audition

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