When the Double Bass Is Used to Celebrate Rachmaninoff’s 150th Birthday

You might wonder what Rachmaninoff wrote for the Double Bass. He didn’t! But his gorgeous melodies lend themselves to soulful interpretations and certainly the album Elégie: Celebrating 150 Years of Rachmaninoff on the…

Four Exceptional Composers, Despite The Challenges Presented By Their Deafness, Left An Indelible Mark On The World Of Classical Music

Classical music has been made by countless brilliant composers throughout history. Among those great composers are a few who faced the extraordinary challenge of deafness. Today we’re exploring the lives…

Prague Students Take Over the Streets with a Beautifully Pure Mozart Performance

In today’s modern online culture, there is nothing more loved by the masses than a good old fashioned flash mob. The flash mob we are going to be discussing today…

A 3-Year-Old Conducts Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony Like a Professional Maestro Amazes Everyone

3-Year-Old Videoed “Air Conducting” Have you ever seen a three-year-old conduct an orchestra? Well, at the age of only three Jonathan Okseniuk was caught conducting an imaginary orchestra to the sound…

Golden Salt Creates a Classical/Rock Crossover of Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters

There is no shortage of covers of Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters. “Cover.info” lists over 110 versions, and the list is by no means complete. Considering the popularity of Metallica and…

When Classical Music Performances Take Unexpected Turns, Shocking the Audience

This is a brilliant compilation of the funniest moments caught on camera during classical music concerts. From startled audience members to a cat raiding the stage, these funny moments are…

Clair de lune by Claude Debussy: The Classical Music Visualization with 21 Million Views

Not long ago, we featured software engineer and master of music visualization Stephen Malinowski’s graphical rendition of Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring. Earlier this year, we also offered up a video of the…

Who Said You Can’t “See Sound”? Watch a Trumpeter Play Fire in a Classic Physics Experiment

It’s not often we get to “see” sound. Perhaps we occasionally notice the digital waves in a voice recording, but watching sound happen—especially in real life—is a rarity. One classic…

Rare 1946 Film Shows the Great Russian Composer Sergei Prokofiev Playing Piano and Discussing His Music

In 1946 the great Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev was at the height of his success in the Soviet cultural world, but the state of his health was falling. Only a year before,…

Watch Marco Rizzi perform Schumann’s Sonata No. 2 on the World’s Oldest Violin, a 1566 Amati Violin

Most of us are acquainted with the sorrowful sound of the world’s smallest violin, but what of the world’s oldest? The instrument in the video below dates back to 1566.…