9 Women Line Up Pool-Side And When Led Zeppelin Starts Playing It’s Mesmerizing

ByQuyen Anne

May 3, 2024

Perhaps one of the most underrated sports around is synchronized swimming. Also known as water ballet, the sport combines grace and artistry with strength, endurance, and flexibility. The women who compete are known to perform their routines with classical music, but the Spanish team in the video below decided to mix it up a little bit.

Although the sport tends to highlight entertainment over athleticism, it still requires an incredible degree of athleticism that cannot be dismissed.

The Spanish swimmers in the video below are the renegades of the synchronized swimming world. Instead of performing to the standard classical tune, they decided to swim to the rock ‘n’ roll anthem by Led Zeppelin, “Stairway To Heaven.”

The song opens softly and slowly only to pick up the tempo in true Zeppelin style. Just wait for the guitar solo near the end!

These incredible athletes earned the gold medal for this routine for the 2009 World Aquatics Championships in Rome, Italy. Share and spread some smiles!

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