Man Playing Piano Gets Fun Surprise When Little Girl Joins In

ByQuyen Anne

Dec 27, 2023

She is so cute dancing in her adorable yellow outfit!

When musician Brendan Kavanagh was playing piano recently in a London train station, he never expected he would be joined by a talented six-year-old. However, that’s exactly what happened.

The girl was out and about on a school field trip with her teacher and classmates when she noticed the man playing.

Kavanagh was tapping out a lovely tune from the musical film Mary Poppins and it caught the girl’s attention. What occurred next was absolutely adorable.


The girl was instantly inspired to dance and her amazing little performance is one of the cutest things we’ve ever seen.

“6 year old Zoe was on a school trip to London, but the sound of Mary Poppins being played on the station piano proved irresistible,” wrote Kavanagh in the YouTube video description.


Making the situation even more awesome was Zoe’s outfit.

She was wearing a yellow dress and matching hat as part of her school uniform and it ended up complementing the dance perfectly. Mary Poppins was first released in 1964, and if Zoe had been born back then, her classic dress would have had her blending right in. She could have easily starred in the film herself.


Our favorite part is when Kavanagh starts playing “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” a few minutes in.

It’s one of the most well-known songs from the movie and so much fun. The energy of the performance immediately ramped up to the next level, catching the eye of several other people passing through the station. They all stopped to watch and witness the impromptu show.


Then, without any prior warning, Kavanagh switches over to a boogie-woogie jam, but it’s totally fine.

Zoe recognizes the style change too and flawlessly transitions her dance moves to match. The two of them make an incredible team, and even Kavanagh was shocked at how well they worked together. At the end of the performance, he reaches down to shake her hand and get more information. After all, the girl did seemingly appeared out of nowhere while he was playing.

“We just saw you walking past the piano and how come you stopped to dance?” Kavanagh asked.

Zoe explained that it was simply because she liked the music and recognized the song he was playing. Her dance experience was limited to what they do in music class at school. However, that didn’t stop her one bit from expressing herself.


“Lesson: we all should dance to the music of life as this adorable child does,” one YouTube commenter wrote.

One of the great things about being a young child is that you don’t feel as inhibited as adults.

You are free to dance in public any way you like without worrying about what others think. If you hear a song you love, you simply just move to beat and enjoy yourself. That’s what Zoe did. She was just having fun and flowed along with whatever Kavanagh decided to play.


Her bubbly attitude and childhood innocence are so beautiful. We know we were inspired by it. Judging by the reception on YouTube, hundreds of thousands of other people agree as well. In the last few days, the video has been viewed over 300,000 times, and if you have a couple of spare minutes, it’s well worth checking out.

Watch the adorable little girl dance to Brendan Kavanagh’s Marry Poppins piano tune below.

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