“American Idol” Fan-Favorite Stuns Audiences with a Breathtaking Acoustic Performance for Debut Single

Byvu lita

Jun 7, 2024

So many talented singers competed in the latest season of American Idol but, ultimately, the winner was Abi Carter! Still, that doesn’t mean that the other contestants aren’t able to use the momentum from the show to further propel their careers. This can be seen in the way runner-up Will Moseley has a song on the charts and is set to open for Zac Brown Band. This can also be seen in the excitement over Julia Gagnon’s new single, Here in Maine.

By beautifully covering songs like Somewhere Over the Rainbow and I Believe, Julia quickly became a fan-favorite. In fact, she made it to the Top 7 of the competition! Now, she’s already releasing new music — but with a twist. She and her significant other, Nate Haven, are officially a singing duo called JULIA. Check out their live, acoustic performance of Here in Maine in the video below!

This beautiful ode to Maine perfectly captures a feeling of nostalgia — even folks who have never been to the state are feeling this way! In fact, one fan even admits, “This makes me want to live in Maine.”

Julia Gagnon’s New Song, Here in Maine, Beautifully Captures the Hearts of Fans

Keeping in theme with her latest song, Julia has another exciting announcement: She’s going on tour! More specifically, she’ll be performing shows throughout the state of Maine. But fans both near and far are sure to show up for this amazing singer!


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Bài viết do Julia Gagnon (@juliasingsabit) chia sẻ

“You were so incredible on the finale. I still can’t believe America sent you home!” one of Julia’s fans shares. “Really need your voice in the world!”

“You were my top pick from your audition day. I loved every performance and missed you when you left,” another fan writes. “I hope your launch gets enough attention to inform the masses! Best of luck to you!”

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