Elderly Couple Delights with an Impromptu Piano Duet, but Their Role-Switching Surprise Will Leave You in Awe

Byvu lita

May 30, 2024

When you retire, you have a lot of free time on your hands. Some people might dedicate themselves to their hobbies, spend more time with family or go travelling around the country or even the world. The couple in this story is a little different though. Fran and Marlo Cowan spent their retired years perfecting their double act, and it’s safe to say that they really did an amazing job of it.

The couple has been married for 62 years. Despite their age, they are full of surprises. Passersby were in awe when they took to the grand piano in the atrium of the Mayo Clinic. They became the center of attention with their adorable performance of ‘Old Grey Bonnet’. They stood side by side and played the piano perfectly in harmony with each other!

Sharing Mayo Clinic: Memories of Marlow Cowan - Mayo Clinic News Network

Just when you think they’re about to be done, they pull off a quick place swap on the piano! It delighted everyone, until Fran accidentally fell down. But thankfully, she caught herself on the piano stool. She instantly hops straight back up as if nothing happened! The people around them were clearly amazed by their impromptu playing. Who wouldn’t be?

This must have surely brightened up everyone’s day! What an amazing couple!

Check out this incredible video below:

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