Friends and Family Honored Him By Dancing To His Favorite Song During Funeral

Byvu lita

Apr 1, 2024

Naturally, the planner organizes visitations, wake, and funerals, providing us the coffins’ choices to flowers. However, funerals should be a celebration of the Lives lived by the deceased.

The trends have changed these days drastically. The term “extreme embalming” has been in full effect. For instance, Miriam Marie Birkbank died at the age of 53. The party lover posed with a beer and a pack of cigarettes on a funeral day. Nevertheless, the wake we are sharing today is a bit traditional involving line dance.

This refreshing process of mourning a loved one’s death gained over 1.5 million views on Youtube. The family and friends of Joe Nowak join the parking lot to rejoice in the man’s life and his achievements. Furthermore, all of them portray a line dance to Joe’s favorite song. The audiences are in much awe to see such a change.

Isn’t it one of the loveliest ways to send off our close ones? Nevertheless, funerals are emotional, and the comment section was filled with wishes and memories of the amazing guy. Please press play and Watch the video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought! Please share your well- wishes for the family.

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