I Thought They Were Just Boring Quartet Group, But As They Started Performing, I Couldn’t Take My Eyes Off of Them

Byvu lita

May 3, 2024

In this age of EDM music, many people think that quartets are quite boring. And to be honest, I was one of them. But after witnessing this brilliant performance, my thinking has completely changed for the better! The Salute Salon quartet is a group of four talented ladies from Germany that know how to own their audience with their passionate and beautiful music.

Salut Salon performs far beyond what you would expect of a conventional chamber music concert. They are not only exceptional musicians but also quite the comedians. In this video, they perform the classic ‘The Summer’ composed by Antonio Vivaldi. And along the way, you will be enjoying the music and also be cracking up, because the stage becomes a battleground and they fight each other acrobatically and with a sense of humor.

Salut Salon _Wettstreit zu viert_ _ _Competitive Foursome_ 1-47 screenshot

Watch this excellent stage presence in the video below and let us know your thoughts about this video in the comments!

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