Mesmerizing Performance: 8-Year-Old Young Drum Prodigy Captivates Audience with Flawless Rendition of Led Zeppelin’s ‘Good Times Bad Times’ as Robert Plant Looks on in Awe

Byvu lita

Jan 15, 2024

On her Vimeo page, Yoyoka Soma, an eight-year-old drumming prodigy, tells you everything you need to know to appreciate this video. Her blurb, accompanying the video above, reads as follows:

My name is Yoyoka Soma. I am 8 year old Japanese drummer.

When I was a just small baby, my parents had a home studio and there were various kinds of instruments. My parents were performing music activities as amateur singer-songwriters and they cradled me with their music. When I listened to their songs and guitar performances, I was eager to join them and couldn’t stop beating out a rhythm. That was why I started playing the drums. The drum was the first instrument in which I felt an interest in my life. My parents’ music peers often visited us to play together. I was glued to the powerful and dynamic performances by the drummers. At age 2, I was playing the drums as if I were playing with toys. At age 4, I started performing at concerts. At age 5, my family band “Kaneaiyoyoka” was formed by my parents. We have released 2 self-produced CD albums so far. Not only the drums, I also play the keyboard and perform as a vocalist. I compose lyrics and music as well.

My favorite drummers are John Bonham, Chris Coleman and Benny Greb.

As a drummer, I enjoy being groove, tones and try to support vocalists carefully. My dream is to be the best drummer in the world. In addition, I want to be an artist who can do anything: playing all instruments, recording music, mixing the sound and designing the CD album jackets. As I am aiming at overseas activities, I am studying English conversation. I want to become friends with people all over the world through my musical activities!

As HLAG [Hit Like a Girl] is a contest only for women, I definitely can’t lose it. I want to be the best female drummer. Thanks to the great support by my family and fans, I can continue the practice and other musical activities. I want to show the best result of my daily practice and come out on top of this contest!

Yoyoka’s gleeful performance of John Bonham’s drum section from Zeppelin’s “Good Times, Bad Times” served as her entry for the 2018 edition of the Hit Like a Girl contest. She wasn’t amongst the winners this year alas. But she undoubtedly has time—plenty of time—to take another shot.

Below, you can watch Robert Plant’s reaction upon viewing Yoyoka at work. “I know where she could get a good job.” “That’s amazing, isn’t it?”

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