Office Worker Joins Busker And Shocks People Passing by With Unbelievable Alicia Keys Cover

Byvu lita

Feb 26, 2024

When a New York office worker stopped to hear a street performer sing, the guitarist could tell this audience member had an ear for music. YouTuber Reginald Guillaume, also known as Guitaro 5000, loves getting people to share their hidden talents. That’s what inspired “Sing With Me,” a project where the musician invites passersby to join him in song. This time, he opened up the mic for an Alicia Keys cover with Katie Smith, an employee at a local office who happened to be walking nearby.


Although the office worker told Reggie that she was passionate about her job, she also revealed that she’s always loved to sing. In fact, it had been only six months ago that she was on stage in California. However, she left the state to pursue new opportunities in New York.

An office worker sings on the street with a famous YouTuber.
Screengrab from guitaro5000/YouTube

“I love my job,” she said. “I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Katie chose to perform a cover of “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys. Her rendition of the soulful love song blew her listeners away! In fact, Reggie invited the office worker to sing an encore: Adele’s hit, “Hello.”

Watch the video below to hear this woman’s incredible voice!

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