Rod Stewart Can’t Name A Single Ed Sheeran Song and Calls Him “Old Ginger Bollocks”

Byvu lita

Feb 23, 2024

With a career dating all the way back to the early 1960s, there are few who compare to British rock star Rod Stewart. Throughout his time under the spotlight, the singer sold over 120 million albums thanks to hits like “Have I Told You Lately,”  “This Old Heart of Mine,”  and “Baby Jane.” Inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the UK Music Hall of Fame, the singer discussed the current state of the music industry and didn’t hold back on his thoughts about Ed Sheeran.

Speaking with The Times, Stewart answered numerous questions about his career and was even asked if singers were still producing timeless music. While admitting he believed some artists had the ability, he struggled to name one singer. Trying to remember the individual, he was asked if it was Sheeran. Stewart scoffed at the name, insisting, “No, not Ed; I don’t know any of his songs, old ginger bollocks. Jesus.” After some time, the singer eventually remembered the name: George Ezra.

Praising Ezra, Stewart believed the singer had the talent to produce iconic songs. “Yes! I think he writes really tremendous songs. He’ll be around for quite a while.”

Rod Stewart Blames Fame On Current State Of Music Industry

While Stewart voiced his opinion on Sheeran, he also took aim at the entire music industry. Recalling his time breaking into the industry, the singer said, “We were brave in those days to go into the music business. We didn’t know where it would take us, but record companies were different. They would give you a try. Also, the people I came up with—the [Rolling] Stones, Elton John—we all came into it because we loved the music.”

Having spent over 60 years in the industry, Stewart noted how the main draw to music now has little to do with producing art and more with fame. “Money and fame didn’t factor; it was a burning ambition to sing. That may have changed. Now it’s more, ‘Ooh, let’s have a go at music. I don’t even have to play well. Maybe I’ll get rich.’ Fame comes before everything. All kids want is fame.”

Although blasting what music has become, he expressed his love for his two favorite songs of all time, which happened to be “Cars and Girls” by Prefab Sprout. And his second song, released back in 2014 by Mark Ronson, was “Uptown Funk.”

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