Young and Old Musicians Gather Together with André Rieu to Perform an Old Irish Jig

Byvu lita

Sep 1, 2023

André Rieu was born on 1st October 1949. He is a well-known conductor and a Dutch violinist. He is known to many for creating the waltz-playing Johann Strauss Orchestra. He is known to millions around the world. Many fans call him the “King of the Waltz” and “King of Romance.”

He has been married for over 40 years and lives with his wife Marjorie Rieu in his native town Maastricht. Even when he was a young boy, Rieu was highly fascinated by music. His father was also a conductor, and he liked how the orchestra performed, and the piece was created.

Classical music along with the musical instruments working together, and young musicians who would put all their effort into making good music was the only life he ever wanted for himself.

Young and old musicians performing Irish jig

He began his career and journey towards his dream in 1987. He only had 12 members at his first live concert on 1st January 1988. Over the years, he has been performing worldwide. At the show in 2020, he had 50 to 60 musicians on his orchestra team.

André Rieu & his Johann Strauss Orchestra made an onstage performance of the Irish Washerwoman in his native town Maastricht. Young musicians of different age groups played the violin and other musical instruments together on the stage.

“Irish Washerwomen” is a piece of traditional music played all over the British Isles and in some places in North America. It is actually an Irish tune, but many claims it is inspired by the “Dargason” and has British origins.

The audience loves the music performance of “Irish Washerwomen” as they can be seen clapping their hands with the music beats. As the pace of the music increased, you could hear the clapping from the audience going all with the orchestra as well. It was an excellent combination, and there was a massive round of applause from the crowd after the performance ended.

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