Little girl puts coin in musician’s hat as he plays cello and sparks “orchestrated” flash mob

ByQuyen Anne

Jan 24, 2024

Seeing this in person would be a remarkable experience.

In our modern world, the element of surprise is a cherished commodity.

With the internet and smartphones at our disposal, we’ve grown fond of creating and capturing unexpected moments, especially those that elicit reactions from unsuspecting individuals.

But every once in a while, a surprise transcends the ordinary and becomes something truly magical.


Picture this: a crowd gathers in the heart of Sabadell, Spain, drawn to a lone musician in a tuxedo, his hat laid out for tips.

As passersby encircle him, a young girl steps forward, dropping a coin into the musician’s hat.

As he begins to play Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” her face lights up with wonder.


Suddenly, another woman emerges from the crowd, taking a seat nearby and joining the performance with her own stringed instrument.

The duo’s enchanting serenade draws more spectators.

But little do they know, this is just the beginning of an awe-inspiring spectacle unfolding in Placa de Sant Roc.


As if summoned by the music, more musicians begin to flood the plaza.

What starts as a trickle soon becomes a torrent, with wind instrument players and violinists joining the ensemble.

Before long, a 100-strong orchestra has formed, a flash mob orchestrated by Banco Sabadell in celebration of their 130th anniversary.

The participants hail from the Lieder, Amics de l’Òpera, Vallès Symphony Orchestra, and Coral Belles Arts choirs.


The crowd, captivated by the stunning performance, whip out their phones to capture the moment.

A conductor rises from the crowd.

He’s guiding the musicians as their harmonious symphony fills the air.


The performance takes a riveting turn when a choir begins singing “Ode to Joy,” a piece from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9.

The crowd is spellbound.

Some are listening in silence, others mouthing the words, and children dancing to the rhythm.

It’s a moment that stirs the soul, causing goosebumps and bringing tears to some eyes.


Then comes the grand finale.

The orchestra quiets down momentarily, leaving the crowd in suspense.

But as the conductor waves his arms, directing the musicians and choir to play louder, the performance reaches a crescendo.

It’s a powerful ending that leaves a lasting impression.


The video of this flash mob, posted on YouTube by Banco Sabadell, quickly went viral, garnering over 89 million views.

It was part of their “Som Sabadell” campaign, meaning “We are Sabadell.”

The performance touched viewers worldwide, becoming the ultimate surprise for those fortunate enough to witness it in person.


Among the many comments, Michael shared, “I would give anything to have witnessed this in person.

The joy in the young and old is priceless.” Another viewer, Charles, wrote, “I don’t care how many times I see this video, or how many times I hear this glorious music, it always brings tears of joy to my face and pure joy in my heart.

This flash mob, through the universal language of music, managed to unite a group of strangers, creating a moment that will forever be remembered.

See this incredible twist on a “flash mob” in the video below!

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