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Young Man Performs Jazz Piano Then A Famous Musician Joins Him For An Impromptu Duet.

In a world marked by rapid cultural and social changes, sometimes the most heartwarming moments arise from unexpected connections. Picture this: a bustling street in Paris, where the melodies of…

Little Boy Plays Public Piano and Melts Hearts With His Amazing Playing

We’ve all been there – the long, tedious waits at airports. But for the passengers at Manchester Airport in England, their wait was anything but dull. They were in for…

“Queen of the Violin” Anne-Sophie Mutter Continually Discovers More About The Classics

The renowned German violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter began playing the piano at age five, started studying the violin shortly afterward, and in 1976, when she was just 13, was invited by…

Viola da Gamba Sonata No. 2 in D major – Bach, For Whom did Bach Write this Virtuoso Gamba Part?

FROM FATHER TO SON For whom did Bach write this virtuoso gamba part? From the very first notes, it is clear that Bach wrote this piece for a top-level gambist,…

Who was The Piano’S Creator? Why was He Overlooked, Then?

The piano is one of those inventions that’s hard to think of as an invention because it’s just always been … there. When you do think about someone actually inventing…

Distinguishing Between Viola and Viola da Gamba: Unveiling the Musical Variations

The viola da gamba (literally the “leg viola,” as it was held between or on the legs, as opposed to the viola da braccio, or “arm viola”), appeared in Europe at…

Tatum, Horowitz, and a Duet of ‘Tea for Two’: A Melodic Encounter of Piano Legends

Most know him as one of the jazz greats, while some have flat out called him the greatest jazz pianist ever. Born in Toledo, Ohio at the turn of the…

A Great Story of ‘Niccolò Paganini and One String’, Astonishing Mastery on a Solo String

Paganini and One String Here’s a great story that has certainly made the rounds. (I first heard it from Chuck Swindoll.) The violinist virtuoso Niccolò Paganini was performing one evening…

“The Devil’s Violinist” – Unraveling the Tale of Niccolò Paganini, the Maestro Violinist Extraordinaire

Niccolò Paganini, Who Was He? Niccolò Paganini was an Italian violinist, guitarist, and composer who excelled in the 19th century and was widely considered to be one of the greatest…

Verdi’s Music Crowned the Most Soothing in the World, According to Scientists

There has been no shortage of claims over the years on CD covers and more recently Spotify playlists that this particular selection of classical music is the most relaxing in…