Band Turn Michael Jackson’s “Man In The Mirror” into a Funky Masterpiece


Nov 9, 2022

Creating a thrilling blend of funk, soul and rock ‘n’ roll, The Main Squeeze gets your feet tapping and your body swaying to their utterly infectious beat. Although they have been based in Chicago and are now in LA, the band was originally formed in Indiana.

Founding members Max Newman who plays the guitar, and Ben “Smiley” Silverstein met at a summer camp in New York State. They hit it off and began writing music together. A few years later, the pair enrolled at Indiana University, where fate brought them together with drummer Reuben Gingrich, and The Main Squeeze was born. Their lineup has changed several times, but the lack of continuity has in no way harmed the band’s success. The current lineup is rounded off with Corey Frye, who sings and bassist Rob “Skywalker” Walker.

The Main Squeeze’s popularity must be at least partly due to their utterly unique sound. Few other bands are able to mix musical genres so effortless to create magic. It’s possible they do this so well because the band is so diverse. As the band explain on their YouTube channel: “5 different men. 5 different walks of life. Different shades, religion, tastes, backgrounds, and opinions. SAME GOAL AND VISION. The Main Squeeze are living proof that love and respect don’t have to take a backseat to the differences plaguing the world around us. We don’t need to be afraid of one another, we just need to listen and love.”

In a world where we seem more divided from one another than ever before, it’s no surprise this philosophy brings people together from all walks of life. The YouTube page has 225,000 subscribers, and many of the band’s videos have close to a million views. If you’ve never heard this band play before, then why not start with this hit from the late, great Michael Jackson.

The Main Squeeze’s version of The Man In The Mirror must be one of YouTube’s most popular videos with over 21 million views! However, they are certainly not just internet celebrities. They have toured with Aloe Black, Mac Miller and The Roots. The band have also released four studio albums and four live ones. Legendary music producer Randy Jackson has worked with the band, so surely their trajectory can only be up from here.

Since Covid has started to recede a little, the band has headed back out on the road to the delight of fans. In December 2021, they played in London before heading home to the USA to start their countrywide tour. With 25 concerts and one festival scheduled in the next six months, it seems The Main Squeeze are not planning on taking a break any time soon. However, in these troubled times, music that promotes togetherness is exactly what many of us needs.

The initial dates have already sold out, so fans may have to travel further afield to see them live. A busy touring schedule also means it could be a while before the band releases another album. However, the band posts to YouTube regularly, so new music is always on the horizon.

If you want to see more from this talented band you can subscribe to their YouTube channel or follow them on Facebook. You can also visit their official website to find out the latest news from Main Squeeze.

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