The various talent shows around the world, like The Voice, Idol and the Got Talent franchise, show us a wide variety of talent we wouldn’t otherwise be exposed to. And sometimes they also show us a story that enhances the talent and helps us understand the person behind it.
Well here’s one of those stories about a young boy from Afghanistan who has endured far more hardship than someone his age should ever have had to and it definitely makes his story that much more interesting.
This boy’s name is Abobaker but he goes by Abu. He and his family left Afghanistan and moved to Belgium once the war got so close to their home that bombs were going off in his neighborhood. The are now considered refugees. In the clip below Abu sings our favorite, “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion from the blockbuster movie Titanic. And what a terrific audition.
This is a blind voice audition and just a few seconds into his song, he gets an instant turn from all the judges. If this is not passion, I don’t know what is. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!