Facts You Never Knew About The Musical Genius Mozart

Bythu lita

Jan 1, 2024
Facts you never knew about the musical genius Mozart

In fact, he was sponsored by Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart.

The name Amadeus means love of God and is the Latin version of the Greek word Theophilus.

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It would take about 202 hours to listen to all the music Mozart wrote during his short life. He wrote 8 operas when he was only 16 years old.

When Mozart was nine years old, he performed so well in London that he was suspected of being a dwarf.

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Mozart had a fox terrier pet dog named Bimperl and a canary.

For three years, he raised a starling. A starling melody was used by him in the 17th Piano, K.453.

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When the starling died, he buried it in the garden and wrote a memorial poem.

Mozart liked to play billiards. A billiard table with 5 balls and 12 cues was one of the omens when he died at the age of 35 in 1791.

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a famous anagram of God.

Mozart’s name was given to a species of frog, Eleutherodactylus, in 1987.

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