Genius Mozart and the world’s most complicated death

Bythu lita

Dec 16, 2023

There is much controversy about the death of the genius Mozart; even recently, there has been a theory that Mozart died because he refused to sunbathe.

More than 250 years ago, Austria welcomed a new being, who later became the most famous musician, the most successful, and the most thoroughly exploited prodigy in world music history: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. From the age of 6, with his rare natural talent, Mozart earned 60 times more money than his father, who was then a court musician. Many people at that time called him “the genius of geniuses.”.

Mozart as a child…

Mozart learned to play the harpsichord when he was 3 years old. At the age of 5, he began composing and studying violin with his father. When the father quickly recognized his son’s genius, he forced Mozart to work hard and imposed iron discipline on him. He did everything to give his son the best, even sacrificing his career and privacy. At just 6 years old, Mozart was invited to perform in the Austrian capital, Vienna, in front of Queen Marie-Thérèse and the court. There, people blindfolded him to challenge him to perform, then used a towel to cover the keyboard, but Mozart still completed his work excellently.

Playing Mozart’s music from an early age was as necessary as breathing. Every morning, at 6 o’clock, Mozart composes right in bed. Blessed with an extraordinary memory, right from the age of 14, this miraculous man showed everyone that he composed works “in his head” and then did nothing but just pour them out onto the paper without a single line being erased.

Romantics in the 19th century considered Mozart to be the god Eros, a man with innate instincts and perfection from childhood. They consider him a role model to teach their children, hoping they will show their talent at a young age.

… and as an adult.

Not only did they leave the world a huge and priceless treasure trove of 626 large and small works, but since the 90s of the last century, people have discovered the music of genius. Mozart also has the ability to heal. Today’s modern world has used his music to cure headaches and Alzheimer’s disease, and he even hopes to make children smarter by letting them listen to it while still in the womb.

The person with the most “complicated” death in the world

Because he was a great composer, a genius of geniuses, he died in the year 35 Mozart’s age has been “so thoroughly” dissected that his sudden death is even compared to someone with a “complicated” death. best of the world. During the past 218 years since Mozart’s death, people have not stopped arguing about the reasons why he passed away so early.

Wolfgang Mozart died in Vienna on December 5, 1791, at the age of 35. The death record at that time only showed a very general conclusion that he died of high fever. An autopsy was not performed. About 15 days before his death, signs of illness appeared, such as high fever, rash, edema, body aches, and psychological disorders. According to history books at that time, Mozart was buried in a mass grave at St. Mark’s cemetery on the outskirts of Vienna. 7 years later, according to the government’s policy of exhuming graves to make room for new burials, all were buried. Because it was a mass grave, it was impossible to identify any remains of Mozart. From there, Mozart’s remains were scattered to an unknown location, and until now, no one has found a single piece of remains that has been accurately identified as Mozart’s.

Five days before his death, Mozart had a high fever. The doctor treating him tried to reduce his body temperature, but soon Mozart had a stroke and fell into a coma. One day later, the genius musician passed away forever. Rumor has it that during Mozart’s lifetime he suffered from a sexually transmitted disease. The musician used mercury as medicine, and perhaps the mercury gradually destroyed his body. However, this is just a rumor.

Another more shocking hypothesis about the death of this great composer is death due to adultery. According to public opinion at that time, Mozart was invited to teach music to a beautiful lady. This lady’s husband treated Mozart very generously and kindly. But Mozart tempted Maria Magdalenda, this woman’s name. When the husband discovered what had happened, he broke into Mozart’s house and tortured him. At the same time, Mozart was also sick and could not stand the jealousy of the man who was crazy about being cuckolded.

Not only was his affair dissected, another reason given after Mozart’s death was that he was shocked when he heard the news of being… cuckolded. Some Western scholars today believe that his sixth son with his wife, Constanze, was actually someone else’s child. The “other” here is one of Mozart’s students. According to many theories, due to jealousy of his teacher’s talent, in addition to seducing his wife, Franz Xavier Zyusmeir—the student’s name—poisoned his own teacher.

In 1999, in the magazine “Annals of Internal Medicine,” on August 18, the Netherlands proposed a new hypothesis when researching death records surrounding the time of Mozart’s death in Vienna from November 1791 to January 1792 and comparing it with other causes of death. in the years before and after. The results showed that at the time of Mozart’s death, there was an epidemic of streptococcal infection in Vienna, causing fever and swelling and leading to death, especially in young men.

According to people close to Mozart who witnessed the last days of his life, the genius composer only became ill shortly before his death, with typical symptoms such as edema, back pain, and fever. These are symptoms that show that Mozart may have died from tracheitis caused by streptococcus infection leading to acute glomerulonephritis. Scientists say that although this is not the final conclusion about the cause of Mozart’s death, it is very concerning.

Is death due to not sunbathing?

Although there have been hundreds of theories analyzing Mozart’s death, after more than two centuries, the death of the genius Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is still a topic of interest to the scientific community. study. In a recent publication by the Center for Health, Nutrition, and Sunlight Research in San Francisco, it was said: If the great composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart spent a few minutes in the sun every day, he probably wouldn’t die soon. In short, Mozart died because he refused to take the time to sunbathe.

According to William B. Grant of the Center for Health, Nutrition, and Sunlight Research in San Francisco, USA, and Stephen Pilz of the Medical University of Graz, Austria, sunlight, along with Mozart’s habit of working at night, caused his body to lack vitamin D.

In the hypothesis given above, researchers wrote that at the latitude of the capital Vienna, 48 degrees north, where Mozart lived during his life, “you cannot create vitamin D from ultraviolet B light for 6 months of the year.”. They also say that Mozart composed mainly at night. It is possible that low blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D contributed to his death. This possibility is also related to infectious diseases such as fever, sore throat, and colds that Mozart suffered from 1762–1783, between mid-October and mid-May.

Mozart was ill for many years. This vitamin deficiency may have made him susceptible to many infections, especially during the few months of winter, the researchers noted. They hypothesized that the day Mozart died at the age of 35 (December 5, 1791) fell during the 2-3 month period of winter, when ultraviolet B rays were at their lowest.

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