The Princess was renowned for her musical talents and passion. In a recently discovered video, Princess Diana showcased her musical prowess by playing Rachmaninov during a royal Australian tour, leaving everyone in awe before quickly making her exit.
In 1988, during a royal visit to Australia, both Prince Charles and Princess Diana were persuaded to display their musical skills while visiting a school. These impromptu performances took an unexpected turn, with Princess Diana stealing the spotlight. Prince Charles initiated the musical interlude with a few notes on the cello, and then Professor Henri Touzeau encouraged the initially hesitant Princess Diana to play the piano. With grace and ease, she performed a segment from Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2. Witness the princess’s captivating performance in the video below.
The admiration for Princess Diana’s musical talents is evident, with a comment expressing deep appreciation, stating, “I love this woman so much, god bless her talented is an understatement.”
Princess Diana’s Musical Aptitude Princess Diana was not only a prominent figure but also an accomplished pianist who cultivated her musical skills throughout her school years. Her familial connection to music was notable, particularly through her maternal grandmother, Ruth Boche, Baroness Fermoy, a skilled pianist who studied under Alfred Cortot at the Paris Conservatoire in the 1920s. Alfred Denis Cortot was a renowned French pianist, conductor, and teacher, making significant contributions to classical music in the 20th century.
The footage of Princess Diana playing the piano is particularly special, as there is limited available content showcasing this aspect of her life. After her performance, the broadcaster noted, “She almost ran for cover, clearly embar…”