School Boy Amazes Onlookers with Flawless Performance of Mozart Sonata on Train Station Piano

Bythu lita

Jan 15, 2024

He “blew everyone away” – schoolbag-adorned young pianist effortlessly plays a virtuosic sonata at London’s King’s Cross station.

Last week, a group of children from Hull journeyed south on a ‘London Experience’, taking in the buzz, sights, and history of the UK capital.

School boy wows onlookers with Mozart sonata on train station piano -  Classic FM

A 10-year-old boy from Hull left an audience speechless when he spontaneously performed a piano solo at Kings Cross Station.

Year Six student Ocean Shi had gone on a trip to London with Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University, and was waiting for the train back home, when he spotted a piano. He asked staff if he could have a turn, and performed Mozart’s Piano Sonata No 11, that captivated his audience.

Commuters stopped on their way past to marvel at the young boy, and the charity proudly shared the video online. The video has been seen thousands of times on social media, with many praising Ocean’s ‘fantastic talent’.

The charity shared the video on Facebook and said: “Yesterday, Hull & East Yorkshire Children’s University took a group of primary school children from Hull on a London Experience. Whilst they were waiting for their train back home to Hull, one of the children asked if he could play the piano at Kings Cross.

“What happened next blew everyone away…This young man will go so far. What talent!”

Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University is a local charity that gives children growing up in disadvantaged areas of Hull a chance at better opportunities. They partner with schools to organise trips and outings that will broaden the horizons and build the dreams of young children.

Ocean took part in the charity’s London Experience trip, through St Charles’ School in Hull. Head of School, Sarah Woodmansey, said: “Ocean is a very talented musician and we nurture and foster this here at St Charles’ school.

We pride ourselves on developing children both academically and personally ensuring that we give children a whole host of opportunities to flourish and strive in order to be the best they can be, ready for their next steps. It is why many families are now turning to our school for the best start in life for their children.

“Our links with the Hull & East Yorkshire Children’s University and other agencies supports this aspiration.”


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