When the holidays are fast approaching, people come up with little surprises to add to the excitement and make the occasion even happier. But throughout the years it seems that every surprise in the book has already been done before. But just when you thought there was nothing else to do, these people clearly made you think wrong. This holiday surprise greeting is such a record-breaking stunt that it will definitely make you want to share.
With more than 50 million views, this video has been said to be a viral classic, as it was recorded almost a decade ago. Nonetheless, the video is still very much worth watching with such an incredible performance by the Chorus Niagara—a 100-voice symphony founded by Jennifer Blakeley. The surprise was actually initiated for a Canadian photography service called Alphabet Photography, who wanted to give back to their customers by surprising them with a holiday greeting.
With the help of Chorus Niagara and its founder, they worked with full efforts to plan the exciting surprise. It was set to happen in a food court where lots of people were present to do their holiday shopping. The group disguised themselves as regular shoppers and randomly positioned across the whole food court. As everyone was busy eating and minding their own business, a woman in the middle of the crowd stood up holding a cellular phone to her ear, and suddenly began to sing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah.
Her beautiful singing echoed through the room and people started to look at her with wondering looks. But shortly after, another person stood up on his stool and sang along with her. As he continues the song, other people who were seemingly normal shoppers began to come up from the crowd singing to the song. The shoppers now realized what was happening and were completely amazed as to what they were witnessing—a flash mob!
Scroll down to watch the full video below and be surprised yourselves.