“Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen is undeniably a timeless masterpiece, often hailed as the pinnacle of rock music. Its intricate composition adds to its allure, making it a challenging piece for musicians. In a serendipitous moment, two men interrupted 12-year-old Cole Lam, seemingly to challenge him.
However, his rendition at London St Pancras International Station, played on the piano donated by the legendary Elton John, elevates this particular performance to an extraordinary level.
After the brief interruption from the men, Cole puts his whole heart into the performance. He not only plays the song, but he plays it with so much feeling. It is a sight to behold! By the time he reaches the bridge, the child prodigy is lost in the music. Furthermore, he ends the song as beautifully as he started it.
But this time, a huge crowd has formed to cheer for him. I’m sure he left the two men who interrupted him in awe. Watch the full video below, and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you think!