This Golden Buzzer Winner’s Ability to Make Noises with Only Her Voice Leaves Everyone in Awe

Bythu lita

Apr 25, 2024
makes noises Geneviève Cōté golden buzzer

Geneviève Cōté makes noises that you wouldn’t believe are coming out of a human. And her audition for Canada’s Got Talent left the judges and audience stunned, as well as won her the highly-coveted Golden Buzzer!

Many aspire to be singers, dancers, or actors. However, some are blessed with other talents that do not fit neatly into those predefined categories. God gives each person different traits, characteristics, interests, and skills.

Geneviève Cōté is someone blessed with not often seen or heard of talents. Using only her voice, she makes noises that are truly spectacular and unbelievable. And her unique ability can only come from God!

Before her performance on Canada’s Got Talent, Geneviève informs the judges she “likes making noise.” It’s clear from the judges’ reactions, they aren’t sure how to take her statement. But seconds into her act, the noises absolutely blow the judges and the audience away and they cannot believe their ears.

She creates a series of noises and their echoes, which sound exactly like a score to a movie. She sounds like a monkey one second, the next, a dolphin and then birds and follows it up with other jungle-related noises.

Unique Audition Leaves Judges In Awe

During her performance, Howie Mandel’s mouth drops in astonishment. The camera also catches several audience members with their eyes and mouths wide in disbelief.

The audience and the judges give Geneviève a standing ovation in response to her outstanding and unprecedented performance of making noises. The kind reaction is overwhelming for her.

Howie showers Geneviève with compliments. Much like the audience or anyone who views the clip, cannot believe what he’s just heard. In response, Howie slams the Golden Buzzer.

Once again, Geneviève is overcome with emotion. Tears of joy streamed down her face!

“Well, I’ll tell you something, you made me so proud,” Howie said. “This is the reason I want to be on this show. You are the reason I want to be on this show. I’m so excited, I cannot wait for the world to see you.”

WATCH: Geneviève Cōté Makes Noises Like You Wouldn’t Believe

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