British television show Britain’s Got Talent has been running since 2007. It is a talent show which features singers, dancers, magicians, comedians and other performers of all ages competing for a cash prize and the chance to perform at the Royal Variety Performance. But in all those years there has rarely been an act that stunned everyone as much as this trio of women from the Philippines.
These women call themselves Miss Tres (pronounced “mistress”), which you think gives you some idea of the type of song they might sing: sexy. And their song choice does nothing but reinforce that assumption. They choose “Sex Bomb,” a classic hit by Tom Jones, released in 2000, and still widely popular today.
And when Simon asks, “What’s the dream,” they say they want to be like Destiny’s Child or (possibly in deference to judge Mel B) the Spice Girls. So they are dressed for it and revved up for it and when the act starts, they even dance like it’s going to be a hard-hitting female-power routine.
Then they start singing and no one–literally no one–can believe what they are hearing. The judges look at one another in astonishment and the audience is equally in shock. they simply cannot believe that sound is coming from these women. Watch the full video below to find out what happens and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!