Woman guitarist and piano player spontaneously performed the music, surprising everyone.

Bythu lita

Jan 16, 2024

Dr. K is a well-known pianist and music teacher in England. He often sets up impromptu concerts and invites those passing to enjoy incredible music.

Guitarist and piano player

Today, he has an accompanist on the guitar. She’s a singer whose voice was simply made for the blues. As she strums the guitar and belts out gravelly lyrics, Dr. K plays with his sunglasses on to fit the part.

The duo gives passengers in a train station a concert fit for a performance hall. They begin with B.B. King’s “Rock Me Baby.” The woman croons, “Rock Me All Night Long,” while the audience nods their heads to the beat.

Guitarist and piano player

A couple listening even share a kiss as the performers continue. They seem so happy to have stumbled upon the musicians, who are simply having a good time.

Once B.B. King’s song is over, the woman offers up Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues” as the encore, saying, “I Can Blues It Up.” Dr. K heartily agrees and begins pounding the keys.


The woman sings, “I Hear the Train a-Comin’,” and the song feels more than appropriate to sing in the station. Hopefully, those listening are free to go where they wish, and there won’t be much blues to sing about.

Blues music is all about longing, wishing for more, hoping for better. This impromptu concert offers listeners the chance to hear live music that supplies a melody for their hearts’ desires.


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