Back in 2017, a young, up-and-coming child prodigy named Liamani sang the hymn How Great Thou Art for her fans on YouTube. Since then, Liamani’s angelic cover has racked up nearly 200,000 views and hundreds of supportive comments.
Kitchen Table Cherub
At first glance, Liamani looks like an average nine-year-old girl. She’s even standing at the kitchen table near her mother. In just a few moments, any such illusions disappear, and she shows her true vocal abilities.
Grace And Power
As she soars and glides through the notes of the song, Liamani’s voice displays remarkable power throughout its impressive range. It’s also agile, effortlessly changing tone quality to emphasize important words and phrases. Clearly, she’s worked hard to cultivate her gift. Not only has Liamani performed in front of her family members, but she has also sung the national anthem in front of massive sports audiences at professional games. In 2020, she even auditioned at GospelFest.
Sincerity Of Heart
But as she sings in this intimate performance in front of her mother, you can feel that this song means a lot to her. The verses of How Great Thou Art play beautifully as she masterfully delivers them. Her mother looks on devotedly as Liamani sings, further enhancing the sincere faith displayed during this song. Luckily, Liamani has uploaded dozens of videos of covers and national anthem performances to her YouTube channel, which features this young woman’s incredible talents.
Do you have a family member who sings so angelically? Perhaps you’ve found another way to be an angel to someone else. Let us know and pass this beautiful cover on to family and friends.