A Dad Joins Pianist And Wows Crowd With Enchanting ‘Ave Maria’

ByQuyen Anne

Oct 10, 2023

A viral video of a dad singing ‘Ave Maria’ at Walt Disney World’s Grand Floridian resort and his daughter looking on at him sweetly is making us crush today.

Justin Gigliello blew people away with his impromptu performance of “Ave Maria” during his family trip to Walt Disney World. His daughter asked the piano player in the lobby of Grand Floridian resort to play along to her dad and the results are there for all to see.

Gigliello is a voice and piano instructor, dressed in a football shirt and shorts, he looked out of place as he sang an opera song while the pianist was dressed up in a tuxedo accompanying him.

The way the young girl requested the resort pianist to play along with her dad, and the way she looked adoringly at him while he sang, speaks volumes of the pure love and admiration children have for their parents.

A truly magical moment! Volunteer firefighter belts out a SENSATIONAL rendition of Ave Maria at Disney World – while his proud young daughter watches on

  • Justin Gigliello, 30, from North Stonington, Connecticut, was staying at Disney’s Grand Floridian in Orlando, Florida, when he passed by a piano in the lobby
  • His six-year-old daughter Lyla asked the pianist if he would let her dad sing
  • The pianist agreed to play Ave Maria, which Justin astonishingly belted out while his daughter watched on with a proud smile on her face
  • Justin later shared the video on Facebook, and it quickly went viral 
  • People in the hotel even stopped to hear Justin’s incredible vocals  

A volunteer firefighter was captured on film belting out Ave Maria at Disney World in a sensational performance watched on by his young daughter.

Justin Gigliello, 30, from North Stonington, Connecticut, was with his family at the Disney’s Grand Floridian in Orlando, Florida, when he and six-year-old daughter Lyla passed by a pianist.

‘It’s because of Lyla,’ Justin told NBC Connecticut about the viral singing moment. ‘Lyla made this happen. It was all her.’

Curtains up! Justin Gigliello from North Stonington, Connecticut, was staying at Disney's Grand Floridian in Orlando, Florida, when he passed by a piano in the lobby

Curtains up! Justin Gigliello from North Stonington, Connecticut, was staying at Disney’s Grand Floridian in Orlando, Florida, when he passed by a piano in the lobby

His six-year-old daughter Lyla asked the pianist if he would let her dad sing

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The pianist agreed to play Ave Maria, which Justin astonishingly belted out

Talented! His six-year-old daughter Lyla asked the pianist if he would let her dad sing. The pianist agreed to play Ave Maria, which Justin astonishingly belted out

He continued: ‘[The pianist] finished his song and she said, “My daddy plays piano.” I said, “I sing more.”‘

At the request of Lyla, Justin started singing Ave Maria with the help of the pianist because the little girl said, ‘I really like him singing that song.’

Justin’s booming voice resonated throughout the lobby area of the Grand Floridian as multiple people stopped to film the dad sing the popular song.

‘He sang it out loud and almost everyone took a video of him,’ Lyla told the news organization about the moment.

The little girl stood proudly at her father’s side and looked up at him the entire time he was singing Ave Maria.

Looking on was also Justin’s wife Lauren who decided to film the impromptu concert in case they wanted to share it with others.

Once Justin finished his song, he was met with applause from a number of strangers who stopped to hear him sing the song.

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