Cellist Yo-Yo-Ma’s Stunning Video Shows Us How to Use Bach to Better the World

ByQuyen Anne

Mar 8, 2024

The fabulous cellist Yo Yo Ma is a French-born American musician from France, considered one of the best cellists in history. Here he surprises us with this incredible performance of Bach’s Prelude No. 1 Cello Suite.

The video shows the musician playing in a beautiful New York City park. Images, music and movement are present in different scenes of daily life.

To a reflection here, as music becomes present in every moment of our lives. Whether at work, at school, in the theater, on the streets of cities and other revealing places. It was really very interesting.

In this way the great cellist continues to excite us with his presentations titled Bach Project, which in addition to the Bach concert, provides activity with local artists, students and interested people.

“I figured out that my passion is not really for music. My passion is actually for people. So the exploration into different musics of different times has to do with trying to figure out who these people are, what this music represents and what context do we want to give it and what does it mean to us right now.“ – Yo Yo Ma


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