Michael Jackson ‘Threw Away All Our Candy’ Says Son Prince – Not For The Reason You Think

ByQuyen Anne

Mar 11, 2024

MICHAEL JACKSON’S son Prince Michael went on TV last week in a series of rare interviews, talking about his famous father at Halloween. As well as describing the incredible (and terrifying) first time MJ showed his kids the Thriller video, Prince also recalled why the King of Pop “threw away all our candy” and how he made it up to them.

Michael Joseph Jackson Jr, usually know as Prince, is the oldest child of the pop star. He and his sister were born to MJ’s second wife, Debbie Rowe, while their younger brother, previously known as Blanket and now preferring to be called Bigi, was born to an anonymous surrogate. While Paris has built a successful career as a pop star, model, actress and public figure, Prince prefers to stay behind the camera. But the 24-year-old went on TV this week and shared glimpses into his extraordinary childhood.

Prince was promoting the annual Thriller Night Halloween party at the Jackson family estate, which benefits his non-profit organisation The Heal Los Angeles Foundation.

He spoke to US chat show The Mix on Fox Soul about how special the holiday was every year when he was growing up: “Halloween is such an awesome holiday for me because when we were growing up, obviously we wore masks to conceal our identity, but Halloween is one of those few holidays where it is normal for everyone to wear masks. That one day of the year when we got to go out with my dad to a friend’s house and go Trick or Treating, kind of a normal celebration…”

Michael Jackson's son Prince remembers childhood

Michael Jackson's children Paris and Prince

But Michael’s vigilance never dropped, especially when there were public concerns growing at the time over poison or sharp objects being concealed in the sweets given to unsuspecting children.

Prince added: “We would collect the candy but my dad would throw that away and give us a pillowcase filled with candy, but he would only give us one day to eat it. So I would remember every year getting so sick just trying to eat as much of the candy as I could!”

The star’s son also described the incredible moment his father showed the three of them his most famous video.

Michael Jackson always made his children wear masks in public

Michael Jackson's Thriller video

Prince recalled the first time MJ showed them all his Thriller video: “Oh yeah, that’s a very traumatic moment for me.

“We were young. We were at Neverland. We watched it on the big screen we had there.

“The moment – not the full werecat, but in between the transformation when he goes ‘Get away’, and the eyes – it just terrified me.

“And after we finished the music video he said, ‘You guys should be careful, you can’t be around me when the full moon comes up because that is real.'”

Michael Jackson's children in 2011

Prince added: “We’d be worried about what would happen once the full moon came out and sometimes he be like (making groans) and we’d start running away terrified! So that was the first time I watched Thriller!”

It’s a far cry from the far more genuinely traumatic experiences MJ went through with his own father, Joe Jackson, as a boy.

Michael recalled: “He didn’t want us to call him Daddy, and I wanted to call him Daddy so bad.’ He said, ‘I’m not Daddy, I’m Joseph to you.'”

But the bullying went much further than that…

Michael Jackson's father Joe ruled the family with an iron fist

Michael Jackson’s father Joe ruled the family with an iron fist (Image: GETTY)

When Michael was still a young boy he had been told to keep his window closed at night but sometimes forgot.

One night, Joe climbed into his son’s bedroom window wearing a terrifying fright mask and screaming like a monster to teach him a lesson.


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