Mom interrupts Michael Bublé to plea for her son to sing with him

ByQuyen Anne

Feb 21, 2024
She changed her son’s life forever. The video has 32 million views.

The Canadian crooner Michael Bublé is known for being a generally nice guy and he often interacts with the fans who come to see his shows. He’s been seen chatting with fans, consoling them, and even singing with them.

But as soon as he thought he’d seen everything, one persistent mom proved him wrong.


The scene is taken from a clip in Bublé’s ITV documentary, This is Michael Bublé, while he was performing in Birmingham.

During an interval between songs, a woman brazenly walked up to the front of the stage and desperately tried to get the singer’s attention.


Bublé, thinking she was just another overexcited fan, ignored her at first. But the woman persisted. She just wouldn’t let up.

Exasperated, Bublé sits down and begins to talk to her.

She tells him that she has a son who sings very well who had just turned 15… and he’d love to get up and sing with Bublé.


It’s probably something that Bublé’s heard a million times, but he looks for the woman’s son in the crowd. The woman says that her son is hiding. Bublé hesitates, and then he relents. He addresses the boy:

“You know, we’ve already taken it this far. Come up here for a moment, because I remember being your age.”

He puts his arm around Sam and jovially asks the band to play “Feeling Good,” but the look on his face says that he knows this could go horribly, horribly wrong.


Bublé and Sam sit down, and Bublé sings the first line of the song. He tentatively hands Sam the microphone for the next line with a skeptical expression on his face. It’s a tense moment.

Sam sings the first few notes and Bublé’s jaw drops – he’s incredulous!


Amazed by how good Sam’s voice sounds, Bublé leaps up with happiness and lifts the 6-foot-tall boy up in his arms.

He grabs the mike and yells:

“Sam can sing!”

With his arm thrown affectionately around Sam’s shoulders, he asks the band to start again.


Bublé pushes the mic into Sam’s hands and steps away – it’s a sweet gesture that seems to say “the stage is yours.”

Sam proceeds to blow the audience – and, indeed, his idol – completely away.


When the performance is over, Bublé throws his arms around Sam and congratulates him with a firm handshake. Sam had definitely left him pleasantly surprised!

But something else came from the impromptu duet between Bublé and his incredibly talented fan…


The teen, Sam Hollyman, became an overnight sensation. The clip was uploaded to YouTube, where it’s gained more than 32 million views to date!

Sam went on to appear on The Voice, where he was spotted by a producer from Nashville.


Sam bagged a two-year publishing deal and went on to win the British Country Music Award for the Best Country Radio artist in 2014… four years after his brush with the superstar.

And to think, none of it would ever have happened if it wasn’t for his persistent mom, Paula!


“I wasn’t sure whether I would do it, but I’d had a couple of glasses of wine and I just thought, go for it, and I just marched up to the stage and told him. Sam was amazing. I am so proud,” the beaming mom told the Birmingham Mail.

That moment when Sam got onstage with Michael Bublé really changed his life forever!

To see how the determined mom’s persistence paid off, watch the video below.

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