Simon Didn’t Take Her Seriously, But When The Music Starts His Jaw Drops!

ByQuyen Anne

Apr 8, 2024

Talent shows bring a lot of people to light. Just take a look at Lettice Rose Rowbotham for example. When this 24 year old violinist came onstage, she surprised everyone with her name and her good sense of humor. She also managed to set the stage on fire with her mind-blowing performance.

The violin is not something you’d immediately think of when you think of rock and roll–it’s a popular stringed instrument that dates back to the Renaissance period in Europe. The earliest form of the violin was developed in Italy in the 16th century and was initially called the viola da braccio, which literally means “viola of the arm”. By the late 18th century, the violin had become a popular instrument in Europe.

BGT Lettice quit drinking after audition

Well this Surrey native was supposedly hung over during her audition at Britain’s Got Talent, but she didn’t let it stop her from delivering a stellar act. Most people probably thought she wouldn’t leave much of an impression, but she dropped everyone’s jaw the moment she started playing! Lettice reached the finals as well.

I mean, how many opportunities are you going to get to see a rock-n-roll violinist! Isn’t she amazing? Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!

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