The Judges Laughed At The Girl’sChoice Of Song. However, Her Performance Caused Them To Stand Up From Their Seats!

ByQuyen Anne

Mar 26, 2024

This 12-Year-Old Just Sang Her Heart Out. And She’s Even Got Simon Smiling!

Isn’t it incredible and lovely how the loudest and most gifted voices may occasionally emerge from the smallest bodies?

Bo Dermot is a sweet 12-year-old girl, but when she performed on Britain’s popular talent show Got Talent, she managed to completely fill the stage.

Talented youngster: The 12-year-old has been at the centre of a 'cheating' storm around the ITV show, as it was also claimed this week she has received professional singing coaching from a top stage school

Talented youngster: The 12-year-old has been at the centre of a 'cheating' storm around the ITV show, as it was also claimed this week she has received professional singing coaching from a top stage school

Talented youngster: The 12-year-old has been at the centre of a ‘cheating’ storm around the ITV show, as it was also claimed this week she has received professional singing coaching from a top stage school

‘She’s talkative back stage, well spoken and far from nervous when she hits the stage.’

The insider added, referencing the new revelations that Beau has also undergone singing coaching from the StagePro Academy in Warrington: ‘It’s not as if she’s only had a few singing lessons – far from it – she’s a polished performer who’s clearly very comfortable on stage.’

Teen Star has also seen winners such as X Factor’s Luke Friend, Jahmene Douglas and Lucy Spraggan, as well as up-and-coming chart star Birdy. 

She's not the first: Teen Star has also seen winners such as X Factor's Luke Friend, Jahmene Douglas and Lucy Spraggan, as well as up-and-coming chart star Birdy

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She’s not the first: Teen Star has also seen winners such as X Factor’s Luke Friend, Jahmene Douglas and Lucy Spraggan, as well as up-and-coming chart star Birdy

Beau seriously impressed the judges and the nation on Saturday night’s episode of BGT, the first in the new series, with her incredible rendition of Defying Gravity, a favoured song of hers to perform. 

But on Tuesday it was claimed that ITV producers opted to keep part of her back story quiet, mainly her previous training and now her apparent expertise in singing competitions – Beau has also been revealed to have won Halton’s Got Talent and Warrington’s Got Talent in recent years.

The Daily Star claimed that the youngster has been receiving vocal coaching from the StagePro Academy in Warrington for the past four years, while the young talent has also won several talent shows in the past. 

Honed her talent: It's been claimed that ITV producers opted to keep part of Beau's back story quiet as it's been revealed that the young singer has 'attended stage school'

Honed her talent: It’s been claimed that ITV producers opted to keep part of Britain’s Got Talent star Beau’s back story quiet as it’s been revealed that the young singer has ‘attended stage school’

A Britain’s Got Talent spokesperson told MailOnline: ‘This story is ridiculous. Beau had singing lessons once a month for the past four years at Stage Pro Academy. 

‘Just because she has had singing lessons, it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get nervous when performing as was stated on the show.’

The spokesperson: ‘Adele, who is the biggest selling artist in the world, suffers from nerves when performing, so it’s not surprising to think that Beau would as well, especially given that she is a 12 year old schoolgirl.’  

Little girl, big voice: The talented pre-teen wowed the judges and the nation with her impressive rendition of Defying Gravity on Sunday night's episode

Little girl, big voice: The talented pre-teen wowed the judges and the nation with her impressive rendition of Defying Gravity on Sunday night’s episode

When Bowe entered the stage and immediately attracted everyone’s attention, it was understandable that he was both excited and nervous. The pressure didn’t increase until the judges began to chuckle when they learned the song he was going to perform.

Bowe liked singing «Defying Gravity’s» over the hit musical «Wicked» due to its complexity.

Bowe nonetheless put up a remarkable performance that they will never forget in their lifetime despite the strain.

Only a 12-year-old girl could present such a miraculous egg and introduce herself to both of them, which is something I could never have imagined.

Check out the amazing and heartwarming performance here:

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