Meet Nana Ester Feole, an 88-year-old grandmother whose infectious energy and love for Motown tunes have captured the hearts of millions around the world. It all began when her granddaughter, Chelsea, caught Nana dancing to her favorite old-time classics during a lunch outing. Chelsea couldn’t resist sharing the joyous moment, uploading a video of Nana’s lively dance moves to YouTube.
The video quickly went viral, garnering over 1.4 million views and sparking the beginning of Nana Feole’s unexpected online fame. But the fun didn’t stop there. Chelsea continued to capture Nana’s dancing escapades in a series of videos, aptly titled the “Dancing Nana” series. With just five videos on her YouTube channel, Nana Feole amassed an astounding 8.7+ million views, captivating audiences with her infectious spirit and timeless moves.
Every week, Chelsea would pick up her grandma for their lunch date, and as they drove, Nana’s favorite tunes would fill the air. Chelsea couldn’t resist capturing Nana’s spontaneous dance sessions as she descended the stairs to the car, adding to the growing collection of heartwarming videos.
Nana Feole’s popularity soared, amassing a dedicated following of over 17k on YouTube and 16K on Facebook. Her incredible online presence caught the attention of none other than The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which invited Nana and Chelsea to be guests on the show.
In a touching interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Nana Feole’s infectious enthusiasm and zest for life charmed audiences worldwide, leaving a lasting impression on all who watched. It was a day that Chelsea would cherish forever, a testament to the joy and laughter that Nana brought into their lives.
Sadly, in August 2016, Nana Feole passed away, leaving behind a legacy of love, laughter, and inspiration. Chelsea shared the heartbreaking news on her Facebook page, expressing gratitude for the outpouring of love and support from Nana’s fans.
Though dementia may have clouded Nana’s final years, her vibrant spirit and joyous dancing remain etched in the hearts of all who knew her. Through her viral videos, Nana Feole brought laughter, hope, and a reminder to dance through life’s challenges with unwavering grace and joy.