Coldplay Invites ‘Differently-Abled’ Singer To Perform Emotional Cover Of “Imagine”

Byvu lita

Dec 28, 2023

Check out the beautiful moment Iraqi-born singer Emmanuel Kelly fulfilled his dream of performing live with the British band Coldplay. Emmanuel Kelly achieved fame after appearing on X Factor in Australia in 2011. It may seem like it was his lucky break, but Emmanuel had been working towards a musical career almost all his life.

He suffered the pain of endless reactions from the industry, including managers, agents and record labels. Today, his talent blazes for all the world to see, but back then, they only saw his race and the fact that he was differently abled. For a young man who grew up in hell, this extra trauma led him to a dark place.

In this place of rejection and fear, alcohol and drugs were his only solace. Luckily for the world, he found a way through it with the same courage he has shown all his life and is now famous worldwide.

Emmanuel was born in Baghdad and was found abandoned and half-dead in a box by two soldiers. He was taken in by the Mother Theresa Orphanage and nursed back to health.

He met Ahmed there, and the two boys became like brothers, distracting themselves from the sounds of bombs and bullets by playing in old wheelchairs and making music.

Luckily for the two boys, they were rescued by Australian humanitarian Moira Kelly, who brought them both to Australia. Emmanuel endured six surgeries over the next 14 years and had many struggles to overcome, such as learning to walk. Happily, he finally achieved his dream and has performed concerts around the world.

Emmanuel had a goal of performing with one of five artists on his “wish list” by the time he turned 22. There are some big names, including Adele, Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift and Coldplay. Of all of them, he believed performing with Coldplay was an impossible dream. However, in 2016 the band was about to tour Australia, and a mutual friend got them together.

They appeared onstage together in Melbourne following Chris Martin’s tribute to Moira. She is in floods of tears, shocked and moved by his words and the fact that her boy is onstage fulfilling his dreams. They perform John Lennon’s Imagine, and it’s impossible to watch without tears in your eyes and a massive smile on your face.

If you’ve never seen this wonderful video, watch it now. It’s sure to leave you wanting more, so check out his incredible X Factor audition too. We’ll have to wait and see what this incredible young man does next; it’s sure to be exceptional.

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