Meet Haburu, an “Extremely Lazy” Cat Who Loves to Get Musical Massages from Piano Keys

Byvu lita

Sep 19, 2023

If there’s one thing we know about cats, it’s the old saying, “If I fits, I sits.” Whether it’s a shoebox or a glass bowl, our feline friends will try to wedge themselves into the strangest spaces out there.

Thầy Minh is a Vietnamese pianist whose YouTube channel has over 549,000 subscribers, but his popularity isn’t just due to his talent. His adorable cat Haburu has stolen everyone’s heart! The “extremely lazy” kitty loves to get up close and personal when his dad is performing. Not only does he squeeze inside the instrument, but he also manages to fall asleep in the middle of songs, allowing the thumping of the internal hammers to give him a gentle massage.

Watch Haburu enjoy Piano woogie boogie massages in the video below, and don’t forget to share this story to brighten someone’s day.

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