Mesmerizing Mastery: Bach’s Timeless Tunes Emerge from an Enormous Pipe Organ – Prepare to be Enchanted!

Byvu lita

Sep 18, 2023

The starting notes of Bach’s ‘Toccata & Fugue’ are iconic. As Xaver Varnus keys them out on an organ in the Berliner Dom, the effect is stunning. As he sits at the keyboard and plays the classical score, he gets visibly lost in the music – taking viewers with him.

Pipe organ

The organ is almost more of a star in the video than the musician playing it. The Sauer Organ in the Berliner Dom was Germany’s largest organ when finished in the early 1900s. It has 7269 pipes and 113 registers. It is one of few organs that has survived in its original condition.

Hearing Bach’s classical music played on such an impressive instrument is quite moving for listeners. Each note holds a familiarity that entrances listeners throughout the song. Even after more than 100 years and countless technological developments, this organ remains an impressive feat, and viewers thoroughly appreciate the performance.

As Xaver plays, there is so much to look at – the organ, the soaring ceilings, and the crowd. As the camera moves to different angles, one realizes that he is playing without sheet music. Every note is perfectly executed and played at the perfect tempo. And he was doing so from memory.

As one viewer noted, this was Bach’s masterpiece played by a master of the craft. It was played on a beautiful instrument within an equally beautiful building. The visual and audible effects will bring almost anyone to a new appreciation for music.

Xaver Varnus

Xaver has played on many well-known organs throughout the world. His experience with this instrument is showcased in this performance as he demonstrates his understanding of the building’s acoustics. He lets the notes fully reverberate and provide the desired effect before moving on to the next bar.

Organ playing may seem like a lost craft, but this performance brings it to a new audience. With millions of views, it is clear that this musician has a talent for keeping this classical style of music alive.


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