Pink shared a heartwarming duet with her dad, Jim Moore, onstage at her show in New York City when the pair sang “I Have Seen the Rain.”. Jim played acoustic guitar and sang backup, while Pink sang a gorgeous lead vocal on the folk ballad, while the crowd clapped along in the intimate venue.
Dad and daughter looked into each other’s eyes as they sang, and you could tell they were really cherishing the moment together. Pink, usually known for her upbeat pop bangers, showed a different side to her voice, and the star definitely showed she can do any genre she wants with a whole lot of style. You can enjoy the duet for yourself below.
Pink began the segment by crediting her interest in music to her dad and adding, “My dad was my first rock star. He wrote a song about 40 years ago in Vietnam.” She added that it was a really special night because it was going to be the first time her father had ever performed on such a big stage. She then introduced her dad as her “favourite person in the whole world,” and the pair got stuck into the song.
Jim is a veteran and wrote “I Have Seen the Rain” while he was serving in the Vietnam War. Pink included the song as a hidden track that closes out her fourth studio album, I’m Not Dead Yet, where it was also performed as an acoustic duet. The live version was filmed at Pink’s flash mob show in New York City, which also included a number of her hits, such as “Get the Party Started,” which you can hear below.
In her introduction to the studio version of “I Have Seen the Rain,” Pink revealed more background about the song, saying that it was the first song she ever learned to sing. The star recalled that she “grew up singing it with him at different Vietnam vet functions, and that’s how I learned how to harmonise and how to love an acoustic guitar.”
She also dedicated the song to Vietnam veterans and said that “it was really special to be able to record a song with my dad.” She noted that they played the song “Live in the Vocal Booth together, with him playing and singing and me harmonising—one take, straight through. That was really, really a good time.”
Reading the lyrics of “I Have Seen the Rain,” it’s clear that Jim was quite a talented songwriter, just like his daughter. The song reflects on the anxieties of a soldier living life in the field and also on the fate of veterans upon returning home, where they struggle to fit in after their harrowing experiences in the war.
Jim passed away at age 75 in August 2021 after a battle with prostate cancer. Many fans celebrated his talent and commemorated his life in the comments about his performances with Pink.