Shy 16-Year-Old Leaves Judges Speechless with Her Astonishingly Powerful Voice

Byvu lita

May 23, 2024

The Winter 2023 season for America’s Got Talent is an “all star” competition: every contestant has been on the show somewhere in the world before and has done well, but they didn’t win.

The good news for the audience is that the bar for talent is very high, so there will be plenty of great performances. The bad news for contestants is that “very good” is not going to win–they will have to be spectacular.

So when 16-year-old Keren Montero from the East Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic comes on stage, we’re not sure what to expect. She must be talented or she wouldn’t be there. But she’s so softspoken and shy that it’s hard to believe she’s going to capture the audience once she starts.

And, honestly, she starts softly in her version of Lauren Daigle’s “Rescue.” But then she starts to build and build in a crescendo that makes it clear she deserves to be on this stage for this competition. Her power just keeps coming and, by the end, the audience and judges are on their feet. It’s definitely going to be an interesting AGT season!

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